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miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016

1,5 month and 100 surprises.

One year ago I’ve made a decision that when I’ll get my master degree I want to do something special, go to different place, develop my skills and share my passion, love and knowledge with people and learn from them... The same day when I had defense of my master I’ve started to look for opportunities.

Why I choose Granada? Well, not because of the city… but because of project that I’ve found. European Voluntary Service in Ciudad de Los Ninos. Work with children from different cultures? For me that was great! 

[Photo from website of organization: ]

Now after more than month I could say that everyday bring something new. 


Everything that surprised and touched me a lot was connected to people. During this 1,5 month I met a lot of incredibly open, inspiring and helpful people. 

I remember first time that I’ve met my tutor Nadia – it was my first day in Granada. She came to our house with her little cute daughter Alia and start to show what is around. She explain me a lot of smaller and bigger things that would be very hard for me if I have to explore them alone in new country. She showed me the city, places important for her and other that could be very useful for us. Because of her I’ve started to see possibilities to develop myself in Granada. And also because of her I get a lot of amazing surprises. When I ask her about something, immediately she starts to think “how we can do this?” and later starts to do.

[Our first meeting with Nadia – our tutor and her daughter, Alia.]

Sharing, spreading good vibes.

Since I came here I receive more good things that I’ve ever expected. I would never think that when I’ll be in new place, where don’t know so many people I could have so many surprises. 

I was really missing guitar here. I love to play and I was thinking that I would play and sing with children, but I didn't have an instrument. I told it to Nadia and in few days I get not only guitar, but also the ukulele! I was also thinking that it would be very useful for me if I would have a bike. I could save the money and have some sport activity in the same time. And I have it! Ukulele is from Nadia and guitar and bike I borrow from one girl that I’ve never met before!! If you read this, thank you beautiful angel that you borrow with me your stuff, thanks for your trust and positive attitude!! One boy who live in Ciudad the Los Ninos heard about that and he said that he will borrow drums and we will play together! That’s how dreams come true. And now I really feel the power of sharing and cooperation.

It is only an example, I’ve get much more material (Dark bread that we get from Salva’s aunt… we were missing it so much <3) and immaterial, intangible things: a thousand of smiles and supportive words, acceptance, trust, initiative and much more… Now I see in my mind all faces of these people. I’m very happy and grateful them. I would like to give special thanks for my coordinator Carmen Maria from Las Ninas del Tul. I really appreciate everything that you do. Sharing time, your passion, interests with us. Thanks for all these travels and fantastic things that we did together. 

Being a volunteer is for me all about sharing good things with people. I came here to share and I’ve never expect that in such short time I can get so many good thing from others. When I see how much people do for me and other volunteers I feel empowered. That gives me a lot of power and motivation to give from myself as much as I can. Maybe I cannot do anything for some people that do a lot for me, but I can spread good vibes to people who need it a lot. So today, as almost every day I’m going to meet children in Ciudad de Los Ninos. Give them a hug, kiss and share my love with them.

1 comentario:

  1. I really fall in love with this post... I cant stop to cry. Kisses
