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lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

To be a woman

19:30 0 Comments

Flower and pantyhose – that's stereotype from comunisme age of how in Poland we celebrate International Women's Day. In Spain as a gift man should give woman a book. But what is the most important here – during this day, women remaind all world about their rights during public debats, on the street. Feministic? Not at all. It's true that women walking on the street for sure can hear from most of the men she meet: hola guapa! But, if she wants something more, often she needs to hit the man. On the other hand, in Andalucia still exist „macho” style: women earn less money than men, freuqently is also violence in home. 

So, I enjoy when I can see in the school posters like this:

And how looks this day in Granada?

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2016

sábado, 19 de marzo de 2016

Let me touch the piano

10:12 0 Comments

My tutor was faster in explain what the Andalucia day is:

So i' ve just add a little how we celebrated it: from classical concert during which we can heared and even touched the piano on which was compose the national song of Andalucia, throw spanish guitar and passioned flameco in Alhambra on snow ending,'s impossible to describe it even for me, so just take a look: