We had so much fun in the airport we ate food
and had some drinks. After hours the bus came and went to Granada, we couldn’t
see the road because it was night so I slept in the bus. At 7 am we arrived,
Carmen came to take us to our place, she was very friendly, I felt comfortable.
It’s been so long that I didn’t speak English I was scared that I couldn’t
communicate with people here but actually I was good. In our way she was
telling us about the places and everything.
Then she took us to the hotel in front to our place and took the
breakfast together I took coffee (un caffe con leche) and Meriem too.

At night we
went with Carmen, Didi and Luca the ex volunteers to discover Granada by night
and it was charming and beautiful. We went to different bars and the biggest
surprise for me here is tapas I just love it. And then we ate Kabeb which is
really delicious. Finally we went to our home to have some sleep because we
were exhausted, we had a long trip and we didn’t sleep the night before.