"You will be free the moment you stop worrying about what people think of you!"
There were about 20 volunteers from Andalusia. Our group was really diverse, intercultural. People came from Italy, France, Belgium, Portugal, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria and I was from Hungary. :D The coordinator team was absolutely perfect.(perfecto)
We stayed in a youth hostel. We had the breakfast (desayuno), the lunch (almuerzo) and the dinner (cena) there. Two times we were in a special restaurant. It was amazing. We ate a lot. And one of this was in restaurant (restaurante), where during the dinner we saw flamenco.
In every room were slept two people. My roommate (compañera de cuarto) was a really nice girl, Jacqueline from Mexico. She spoke just a little bit in English and I spoke poco a poco in Spanish. It was funny to understand what we want to say, but we enjoyed it. And for my Spanish knowledge was useful, too. Of course we used the Spanglish, too. During the week I talked with all of the people even if it was just some words. It was interesting to hear why people choose the EVS and hearing about their life. I realised there a lot of common things between us and the same motivation to try something new and be volunteer abroad (en el extranjero).
On the training, first of all, we needed to introduce ourselves. Before, when I had to speak (hablar) in front of people I was nervous, but (pero) I felt oke I can do this and yes I did it in Spanish :D Oke, it was just 3 sentences, but in the beginning I think it is better than nothing.
The first night was organized the 'Fiesta Intercultural'. I brought traditional cloths and sweets (dulces), sausage, book (libro), handmade book-marker, postcard (postal) from Hungary. I think my short presentation was successful. I was afraid a little bit, but it was a different feeling than before. It was a better emotion. We had special piononos from Granada. We tasted all the special foods from all around the world. And I knew that the Nutella is from Italy :D We talked a lot, and there was a game, to catch one paper from a hat and show that was written on that. What I caught? Of course: traditional dance :D So, I showed some steps, and after that we danced together. It was really funny (divertido) and I think the others enjoyed it, too.
Every night we had different activities. We learned flamenco ( I loved it), went special restaurant, chill...
During the week we started the day (dÃa) at 8 am with breakfast, after we always heard Spanish music and spoke about the lyrics. We had different sessions. Between these session we were awoken by 'energizers' and we had coffee time, too. It was intensive, but useful. We learned more about Spain, Spanish lesson (lección) ,too.
Alessandra my first (primera) and best Spanish teacher (profesora) was really nice. For that time I am more motivated to learn.
the EVS voluntary work, ourselves... It was in Spanish but most of the time was translation in English. Because of the Spanish it was hard for me, but I think I developed my skills. We had
One of my favorite session was about the stereotypes (estereotipos) of your country and what is among these. I realised that I know something (un poco) about my country, but not enough and I would like to be more apprised of Hungary.
The other one was about, how to welcome each other the first time when you meeting. It was really strange. Because most of the people give kisses for the first time, but in Poland, Bulgaria, Russia and Hungary at the first time we shake hands and say our name. And the most surprising thing it was the space between us... It is happened with me in the real life, too. I memorized for ever in Spain the first time there is not shake hands, there is kisses. :D It is really friendly.
We talked about the prejudice (prejuicios). It is a very important subject I think. I thought I am not preconceited, but I am... The training was really instructive. Oke maybe we won't be the best friends, but we need to try (intentar) to know each other more and after that we will see it is work or not. But just for she/he has an other style, hair color etc and we don't speak with his/her it is a stupid thing...
I learned a lot about myself, too. I spoke in front of the people. I enjoyed the group-work, too. Everybody could say her/his opinion and everybody listened. Every opinion was important.
We had time to visit (visitar) the city (ciudad) and make a lot of pictures, drink (beber/ tomar) a beer together.
I feel I am braver and I am ready to do my voluntary work.
After we came back in Granada, we visited the place where we will working and we visited the University ( Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación-Granada), too.
This week is holy week here, because of the Eastern, Semana Santa. The next text will be about this week. :)
Flamencooo |
Play |
'Energizer' |
'pop-corn energizer' |
Hola! |
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Flamenco dinner |
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