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miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

Beautiful day in Zaidín

10:58 0 Comments

28 of May - Sunday

Sunday evening we cut the flyers and we made Spanish questions and answers for the 'living board game'. We also did the map and I think we learned a lot from our own mistakes again during the preparation: D

We went to a cultural, sporting event in Zaidín by taxi, because we had a lot of things to build the stand. Tent, table, chairs ... (We had taken them out of Daniel's house with Didi ... so we laughed a lot, as we fought, so I can imagine what the people thought on the street: D)

When we arrived we started to build our stand. But we had to run because we participated in a fashion show ...

Fashion show ??? Yes: D

Even a few weeks ago, Nadia wrote us whether we would like to dress in Muslim clothes and of course, we said yes. The fitting on was on Friday when I was still thinking that we would wear a Muslim dress, and it turned out that it was not :) Maybe I misunderstood something :D I am sure... :D The Las Niñas del Tul team wore the Fri-fass shop clothes. For the first time in my life they gave me a full pink dress, like a union suit. We suspected that we had to go through the audience, but we weren't sure how this would happen.  With the high-heeled I can't move exactly but it was just for the probe. We thought that to miss such an experience would have been a big mistake.

The dress was complemented by a wonderful bob of hair and make-up. About 60 models and no models waited for the hairdressers and the maker- up.

The whole preparation was very interesting. We were really excited. We've never had a chance like this. For example, two girls were working on my face and my hair was curiously brad from underneath and then a good bob of hair on my head. It was a special feeling to wait, to wait, to change a bit. In the meantime, of course, we were worried, as we couldn't have been there at our stand ... Moving. The director explained previously, how to go and stop front of the audience and photographers, etc.  So we tried to retrace, practice in the shop with great excitement and then we went back. Again wait and wait. The show started. I didn't really like the clothes I wore. I can't say that I was wearing the most comfortable clothes of my life (Although fortunately Nadia got us shoes that was not bad. By the way, instead of size 37, the shoes were 36. After a while, My toes started to cry, but something for something, it wasn't so bad) but I didn't care about it so much, because I could only think, how lucky I am to enjoy such an experience. I have never thought. It was not the red carpet, you know, but it was a great experience to walk and stop for one or two photographs, then back to the "behind the scenes".

After we ran to the stand but unfortunately, we missed the rush hour while we were on the fashion show. And we noticed that the elderly and the smallest children were walking in the street, so not exactly the age group who can take part in the EVS. However, for example, little children played with great pleasure with our game. We also tried to transform the questions a bit, and it was a good practice for me to try a little Spanish. Like: how old are you, do you like traveling, what languages ​​do you speak etc ... :)  The luck is that we can use this game later. It was a very exciting day.  At 2 o'clock there we needed to pack up the tent and the other things.  Then we went to ate tapas with Carmen and his friends.

Pictures: :D

In Hungary I heard about the 'live board game' and I thought it would be nice to use this super game to inform people about EVS. After a long searching, thanks to Nadia, we found place where could print the game for a special material. While we were on training, in Alhama, she changed fields of a game to "EVS Fields". The fields are tracking information from search information to an EVS return trip, including 8 key competences. The final finishes were completed by Nadia when we arrived home, so we saw that she worked a lot.  We also helped what include in the fields, but most of the work was actually carried by her. I love this game, it is really nice. Waterproof, shoe-resistant, tested: D We hope we can use it many times in the future.

Playa de la Calahonda y algunas reflexiones

10:26 0 Comments

Dos cosas que me encantan muchísimo son la montaña y el mar. Y qué suerte que los dos están muy cerca de Granada! La ubicación de Granada es genial. Por un lado la montaña está al lado (y a la misma dirección como la montaña Vitosha en Sofia, que me ayuda a sentirme como en casa) y por otro lado la playa está al menos de una hora en coche.

Nos escribieron nuestros queridos amigos de Maracena (que son también voluntarios) que van a alquilar un coche el día siguiente para ir a la playa. Y claro, no pudimos perder esa oportunidad de descansar, disfrutar del sol, de la playa y del mar. 

Por supuesto cuando llegamos a la playa empezamos a tomar unas cervecitas. Aunque fuera un poco temprano.😆 Para mí es un placer enorme tomar sol en la playa, contemplar y escuchar el mar, sentir el calor y la arena, hablar con mis amigos y... beber cerveza. Aprendí por ejemplo que el sistema de las banderas de señales marítimas en Estonia tiene otro objetivo que lo de Bulgaria (y lo de España me parece). En Bulgaria por ejemplo cuando la bandera es azul - las condiciones del mar son buenas; la amarilla indica que tienes que tener cuidado y no bañarte con inflables de agua; y la roja prohibe bañarte, porque hay corriente de retorno que es muy normal para la costa de Bulgaria. Pero en Estonia el sistema no indica la fuerza del corriente sino la temperatura del agua. Pensé en cómo los sitemas en los países diferentes son adaptados para las condiciones  respectivas. En Bulgaria es importante la fuerza del agua y no la temperatura, pero en Estonia ya que hace más frío y no hay corriente tan fuerte la temperatura es lo que es importante.   

Deporte 💪
Después de la cerveza hicimos un poco de deporte. Muy buena la idea de hacerlo después de la cerveza. 😀 Y ... ¡entramos al mar!

Una cosa de que me di cuenta: tantas veces estaba en la costa del mar Mediterráneo y ¡nunca me he bañado! Porque siempre he tenido mala suerte con el tiempo en España y siempre hacía frío. El año pasado en Madrid toda la primavera hacía frío. Después durante nuestro viaje por Andalucía en marzo el agua estaba bastante fría para mí y nunca me he atrevido a bañarme. Y mi experiencia "favorita" era hace 5 años cuando con mis padres y mi hermano fuimos a Barcelona en julio ¡pleno verano! Y... se puso a llover. ¡Entonces tenía que hacerlo por fin! ¡Y lo hice! Y me sentí muy alegre porque siempre se me escapaba esa oportunidad y tenía muchísimas ganas de bañarme.💙 Era una de las aguas más frías de mi vida, pero cuando empezé a nadar y moverme me recalenté.

El resto del día lo pasemos tomado el sol, bañando y simplemente disfrutando del día. Intentamos encontrar un sitio para cenar. No lo conseguimos. El problema era que queríamos cenar como gente de Europa de Este, o sea a las 17-18 de la tarde que como todos saben (y nosotros también pero...) en España es imposible. O sobre todo en una ciudad pequeñita como Calahonda. 

Decidimos regresar a Maracena y por primera vez (muchas cosas primeras este día 😊) fui a Maracena. Y me encantó, porque todo era muy tranquilo y la Sierra Nevada se veía mejor. Cuando teníamos que coger el autobús para Granada me di cuenta de que cuánto hecho de menos utilizar el transporte búblico. Y no es broma. Porque en Granada vivimos en el centro, pero como yo nunca he vivido en el centro de Sofia me he acostumbrado a caminar o coger el autobús. Porque este es el tiempo en que puedo pensar tranquilamente o escuchar música. ¿Os ha pasado una vez que queréis algo mucho, pero una vez conseguirlo os dais cuenta de que no lo necesitáis tanto? Vivir el centro de una ciudad era una de las cosas que pensaba que quiero mucho, porque en Sofia nunca he vivido en el centro. Pero en realidad no quiero tanto. Cuando el año pasado viví en Madrid, en la calle Mayor a dos minutitos a Puerta del Sol me di cuenta que para mí es difícil. Porque me he acostumbrado toda mi vida a caminar y además me gusta. Pues, ahora me pasa algo semejante. Que no es para nada una queja. Es simplemente algo que aprendí sobre yo misma el año pasado, pero no tenía la confirmación y ahora la tengo y lo sé.

Las gafas!


Training after - Monachil hiking

3:04 0 Comments
After the training, life didn't stop. In the morning we went back to Granada with the group by bus. Small rest. We had a couple of short tasks we had to prepare for the next week, so we tried to do it quickly and then relax.

I also had a skype again with Réka. It was very interesting that I had to search the words in Hungarian. When I write to the blog, I don't realize that it is more difficult to do it, but when I need to speak, the expressions often come in English, which is somewhat delighted, but also a little bit annoying ...: D During the training or when I talk with Tilda here, it is usually that ask in Hungarian and answer in English or vice versa. I hope it will go with Spanish one day,too. Anyway, it is good to speak Hungarian sometimes, as I still need it sometimes :)

On Thursday evening Didi's friend, Bori came from Madrid. She is a very nice girl. In Bulgaria he studied with Didi and now she is living here.  We went to the Boogaclub together, where the Onda Vaga band played that night. We bought the ticket before, because it is one of Didi's favorite band. I only listened to a few songs at home before, but I certainly fell in love with the music in the concert. :)

On Friday we had a rest at home.  In the evening we were at the office and we waited the youngsters to come and ask about EVS. Then I met Elena. We ate kebabs and drank beer at Paseo de los Tristes. Again we were on the same wavelength and we laughed a lot, then the weather turned cool, so we decided to go home. Although I am very lucky, because we get on well with Didi and we keep in touch with the Maracena team, too. You can never be bored here. There is always some activity ...: D I'm very happy that Elena is my mentor and although I don't have any special problems with work, everyday life, we understand each other very well in all kinds of issues and we can speak about all of the topics which we are interested in it. 

On Saturday, had a volunteer team meeting again. Nicola went to Hungary for a week, but Harri and Tilda represented the Maracena team. Even before the training, we had an idea on the beach  that it would be good to go for a hike. So Harri looked after things and they were waiting for us with a ready plan. When, where to go, what to see  etc. We went to Monachil by bus, and we started our long walk. We walked along the Los Cahorros route. It was very hot and the air was dry, but we saw beautiful places. Meanwhile, we  had a rest, we ate, and of course we made a lot of pictures. We really missed being in the nature. Grass, trees, flowers, stream, waterfall. It was very pleasant. It's weary, sweaty and at the same time very relaxing, too. At the end of the trip, we got some beer and of course tapas.

Returning to Granada everyone went home, but we met again tonight. Bohemia Jazz Café .... Lovely place. I fell in love again...  We listened to live music and we talked. It was a real chill ...  We met Jákó, how is a new volunteer in Maracena, from Hungary. The others went to dance somewhere else but we finally went home with Bori.

The following day, Tilda and Harri invited us to a snack. Harry baked special Estonian pancake.  And later, in the afternoon I came back to Granada with Tilda. Then skype with my aunt, Lisa, blog writing...

Next day I started with a spinal training and fruit salad, and then I could say for lunch, Julia invited me a glass of homemade gazpacho. Now I understand why this is one of their favorite drink. Very delicious and during the hot summer you can stay in live only with this refrigerative drink. We will also test it in July. We laugh right when they say you wait, just wait for July ... you will still be able to cry for spring. It will happening I think... I will cry for the spring's weather, I am sure :D

martes, 30 de mayo de 2017

The spirit of Granada streets with GoPro and best friend

9:08 0 Comments
*Todas las fotos son hechas por mi amiga Borislava Georgieva. Se lo agradezco mucho por su visita y por darme el permiso de publicar sus fotos. 💕 

Cuando empiezas a vivir en una ciudad, sin darte cuenta, entras en la rutina. Aunque llevo solo dos meses en Granada, me siento como local y se me olvida a disfrutar de la belleza. Cuando salgo de la casa siempre tengo prisa, camino rápidamente, pienso en mis deberes, voy de compras o actividades, etc...... Lo que me pasa es que tengo tanta prisa que corro por las calles sin hacer mucho caso a la arquitectura, las flores, las macetas, el color del cielo, las nubes, los graffitis, los detalles y colores, que en Granada son muchísimos.

Cuando eres turista te impresiona todo. Porque sabes que estás aquí un par de días solo y el tiempo es limitado. Por eso intentas verlo todo. Claro, ¡Granada puede sorprenderme cada día! Pero cuando tengo prisa y presto más atención en cómo puedo rodear la gente, o cuál sería la ruta más corta se me olvida a parar un poquito y contemplar alrededor. Por eso me gusta mucho cuando mis amigos me visitan. Porque tengo que enseñarles los lugares más bonitos de Granada y es como una evaluación para mí qué he aprendido acerca de Granada. Y además de darme su energía positiva, ven cosas, que para mí ya son normales y no las veo como ellos. Que hay árboles de naranjo, o qué bonitas son las casas decoradas con flores y macetas. O las casas blancas del Albaicín, o las calles pequeñitas donde te puedes perder, o las plazas tranquilas sin gente... 
Aquí las fotos a traves de las que se puede sentir el ambiente increíble de las calles de Granada.

Mirador de San Cristóbal



Un gato haciendo yoga en la parte pública de Alhambra.


El arco de las pesas que este día era la escena de un músico. 

Fundación de Manuel de Falla. Uno de mis lugares favoritos para leer libros.

Carril de la Lona

Puerta de Elvira

Una de las muchísimas tiendas marroquí en Granada.

Mirador de los Carvajales


Gatitos pequeñitos, bonitos. 😍

Ermita de San Miguel el Alto

El arte por las calles

Las calles estrechas del Albaicín.
