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miércoles, 27 de septiembre de 2017

Escapa de tu país y lo vas a apreciar más

5:59 0 Comments
El Teatro Nacional Ivan Vazov en Sofia
 A mí nunca me ha gustado mucho vivir en Bulgaria. Consideraba Sofia como una ciudad fea, donde todo es feo – la gente, las calles, la arquitectura, hasta el idioma. Pero por otro lado siempre cuando vivo en extranjero me pasa lo mismo y es que extraño el espíritu de Europa Oriental - la vida, la gente y su forma de actuar, la arquitectura, la cerveza... Y lo que siempre echo de menos es caminar, bebiendo cerveza y escuchar música o hablar con alguien si tengo compañía. 
Era interesante, porque era mi país, mi ciudad donde he crecido y vivido toda mi vida y sabía bien cómo suceden las cosas- conozco los barrios, el transporte público, cuál autobús adónde va, cuál autobús suele tardar, cuánto tiempo necesito ir desde punto A hasta punto B caminando o en autobús o en coche, las tiendas, dónde se vende mi cerveza favorita, dónde puedo hacer deporte, dónde puedo aparcar el coche, cómo lo puedo aparcar, que violaciones de las reglas puedo hacer, cómo puedo hablar con la gente, cuándo es necesario que sea ruda o cuándo amable y pequeñas cosas como así. Que en Granada no conozco. 

Esto se ve al despertarme en la tienda de campaña.
Mis vacaciones pasaron de la manera siguiente - estuve tres días en Sofia, donde pude disfrutar de la ambiente de la ciudad, quedaba con amigos y bebíamos cerveza en los parques. Quería pasar por todo el centro y todos los lugares que me gustan, pero era imposible, porque no me daba tiempo. Luego fuimos a la costa de Bulgaria en un camping (Arapya - Арапя) que antes no habíamos. Me encantó el lugar, porque podíamos poner nuestras tiendas de campaña en un bosque que se encontraba en una colina justo al lado de la playa. De esa manera podíamos ver todo el camping y la playa desde arriba. 
Después desde allí fuimos a Grecia en la península segunda de Halkidiki. Era un viaje muy largo. Conducíamos todo el día, alrededor de 12 horas. Pero por otro lado la ruta era muy bonita, todo de color verde, todo tranquilo, porque pasabamos por ciudades pequeños y pueblos. En ese momento sentí que no conozco bien Bulgaria y que quiero viajar más allí.
Al final cuando llegamos a Grecia después de poner nuestras tiendas de campaña, fuimos a la playa donde descansamos con una cervecita y contemplamos las estrellas. Los días siguientes tomabamos sol, descansábamos, nadabamos y estabamos aprovechando el momento. 
Por desgracia cuando volvimos a Sofia el tiempo se puso mal y se sentía como si estuvieramos en septiembre - nubes, cielo de color gris, frío y lluvia. 
De todas formas me lo pasé genial. Me sentí muy feliz quedando con todos mis amigos. Y noté algunas cosas interesantes que voy a explicar en una lista:

- Al salir del avión lo primero que noté era que aunque hacía calor no había sol. No como en Granada. En Granada el cielo es azul, y en la mayoría de los días sin ni una sola nube. Pero en Sofia... el cielo era de un color transparente que ni puedo describir... 
- Me di cuenta de que entendía absolutamente todo de lo que estataba hablando la gente. Cada palabra. Aunque caminaba por las calles, sin prestar atención y sin querer, podía entender cada cosa de la que estaban hablando.
- Quería comer todo. Mis amigas me recogeron desde el aeropuerto con banitsa y mi cerveza favorita. Además mi madre había cocinado su rica crema de ortiga que sabe muy bien que me encanta. Cuando fuímos a la costa comía kebabche, kufte, tarator (en España hice tarator mediterráneo con aceite de oliva en vez de girasol y yogur griego en vez del famoso yogur búlgaro y sin hinojo, porque no pude encontrar), etc.. Todo era muy rico, me alegría que nada estaba frito, porque la cocina española es bastantе frita que no es muy sano.
- Descubrí que cuando veía mi reloj que enseñando 10-11 de la noche, me sentía como si era muy temprano y tenía toda la noche para hacer cosas. 
- Descubrí que la cerveza en Bulgaria es más rica que la recordaba.
- Me di cuenta de que quiero viajar en Bulgaria y conocerlo más. Quiero explorar y descubrir Bulgaria de la misma manera como lo estoy haciendo en España o cada otro país que visito. Es una pena que haya estado en más ciudades en España que en Bulgaria.
- El mar negro es más caliente que el mar mediterráneo. Comparado con el oceano Atlántico que no me atrevé de entrar cuando estuve en Portugal, nuestro mar es como un jacuzzy.
- No podía beber cerveza sin comer nada y comprábamos "tapas" de la tiendas junto con las cervezas.
- Cuando viajamos desde la costa de Bulgaria a Halkidiki en Grecia pasamos por las montañas Ródopes de Bulgaria y el paisaje era muy verde. Gran diferencia con el color amarillo que destaca en Andalucía, los olivos y el paisaje un poco desértico. 

 Sigo con unas fotos =)
Camping Arapya (Арапя). Dormimos en el bosque.
Puesta del sol en Arapya
Montañas Ródopes. El viaje hasta Grecia
Encontramos unos amigos más bonitos en la ciudad de Haskovo en sur de Bulgaria.
Esperando mi kebabche y kufte 😀😀😀
Como lo llamamos nosotros - nuestro vivac. Foto: Borislava Gueorguieva.
#lasdeltul, Instagram
Yo - Instagram, Flickr

Relax in Granada and Córdoba :) (August)

5:55 0 Comments

Lovely Granada

After finish in Íllora we decided to meet with Maracena team. I was really happy to spend time with them again. They had also camps during the summer. Unfortunately, Tilda could not join but Harri and Nico were with us.
Since then, Nico and Harri have completed their EVS volunteering and they went home. Of course, we are trying to keep in touch and we plan to meet sometime in Italy, Estonia, Bulgaria, Hungary or somewhere in the world: D

We visited Carolina during her last EVS days.
Mezquita - Catedral de Córdoba

Before we met Carolina we discover the city and of course drink and eat tapas.

Hot weather and now it was really hot. Even Didi said that is to much and if Didi said this... You can believe me!!!  The thermometer was 45 degrees and there was a moment when it was difficult to breathe normally. It was horrible for me. This hot is really not for me. And if you felt a little wind it was warm also... You can not miss the hat and the hand fan: D We just arrived and I bought both of them :D

It may sound strange, but instead of the beer, in that heat, I liked more the warm tea.


Waiting for the lunch :)
Mercado Victoria Córdoba

Plaza de la Corredera

Mezquita - Catedral Córdoba

 Really interesting

Beautiful streets

 We celebrated Didi's birthday in Granada  

Didi went to Bulgaria for her vacation. I spent a couple of days in Granada and later went to the adventurous, great Andalusian, Lisbon trip.

Tilda and me were thinking to participate in one language exchange,which was organized in the city center but finally we just spend together a 'Hungarian night'. During the summer, I we didn't speak too much, because they worked in their camps also, and I was happy that we finally met.

Tapas here... tapas there :D

The next day lunch
Francesco has moved to our home for a couple of weeks as they worked with Dani 

We didn't miss this beautiful jazz evening :)

Walking around 

Alhambra's cat

Real Italian pizza making: D Of course, we couldn't manage to make it like his mother did, but we tried.
And of course we didn't put ham and pineapple together on the top...: D

After many hours of leaven, it had to be so thin.
(During we were waiting we went to Calle Elvira and ate tapas :D )

Hmm, is she doing well or no?! :D

After we went to look around what is going on in the city and we didn't miss 'the night falafel party' :D


One month in Íllora: Workcamp and Parapanda Folk festival

3:21 0 Comments

After the miracle days of Mollina (after a will write about it), it was difficult to get back into the busy everyday life. And just came the real part of summer work.

There can not be a description of what happened in that week. On the one hand, there was a great experience and on the other hand it was a lot of work. But it was so beautiful! It would be nice to have a real film to show what's in the backstage of such a festival even if it is not world-size. Of course there is no picture of the moments when we are running somewhere or we are preparing for lunch and the responsible team eat and attend to everything is ok :) :) I try to show a slice of our days during the festival :)

After mid-term, we went back to Íllora, where we were also surprised by Hugo, who was already with us during the training.

About the workcamp you have to know that participants from all over the world are coming. Just do not miss someone: Mexico, Spain, France, Russia, Serbia,Italy, Taiwan and, of course, Didi Bulgaria, I'm from Hungary. No need to say what a colorful team. But maybe I do not even have to mention how nice it is to jump geographic distances and make friends.

I was finally responsible for the kitchen and dining tasks. I was afraid a little bit because, although Dani told us what would happen, it was a bit cloudy ... We often did not know exactly how many guests would eat with us that day and when. One night for me was a complete chaos during the festival. Of course after everything was in the right place etc  I got calm and was a great night.
So my job is to prepare a dining room; what is missing for breakfast; packing-up, co-ordination of the assisting group
Looking backwards, of course, the thing is not that hard and I learned a lot, but it was not easy for the first time, and my level of fatigue was even higher than at the beginning of July.

In addition, we organised the auditorium area. We organised also the backstage and the area around the stage. We cleaned up and made the rooms, dressing rooms more comfortable for the groups.

I really have to say that it was not a little work with the festival, but it was quite worth it. Real team work, cooperation, respect. It was a challenge for me to make an independent decision on certain issues and to manage tasks. I think, despite the difficulties, I was just learning from the tasks.
It was a great 'lesson' that we should not be in doubt if we do not know everything in advance, and sometimes we have to improvise or change the plan. Also, sometimes you can relax a little (What I just really can see and say after because I was really concentrate because what I do, I try to accomplish it at 100%. Sometimes that's good but sometimes I have to let a little bit of it go).

Picture report:

Cyrillic Luca :)

Mandarin language

With Hugo :)

Cake from Russia by Tanya :)

Visit on of the festival places
Park Federico García Lorca

Parapanda Folk festival 2017

Drawing the board to sell T-shirt :)

Taller de danzas populares de Hungría
There is my name, there is my name  :D

One week before the festival


Work, work, work 
Drawing team

A day is not a day without siesta :)

During the workcamp two nights everyone did a short presentation about his/her country :)







About Italy I haven't got picture but I have a video.
I will try to upload here also! :)


With Didi ♥♥♥

While the others spent a day in Granada, we also had time to relax a little bit

Outdoor tasks :)

The first performance 
Didi on the stage :D

The dining room is ready 

The best kitchen team :))

On the first day of the festival, I organized my workshop about folk dance
Rhythm game, dance from Moldva and Somogy and a short presentation about cloths

I was afraid a little bit before it. Actually, I did a workshop for the first time in my life. I had been thinking about how to introduce it months ago, but I was really concentrating on this task in the last couple of days and it become more clear what I want to do.

We enjoyed it :D

 The first time in my life I talked more than two seconds into the microphone
I liked it!!!!:D :D

Place for kids during the first night

It is looks easy to play with castanets, but it isn't!!! :)
I am so happy that I had a chance to try it

If you think that you will lose weight during the festival... You will be surprised, because NOT :D
I could say that almost every night, which means 1-2 o'clock in the night (after all we've packed), we went to the kitchen and just open the fridge...
Here is actually hot sandwiches by Sanja: D

Fun and laughing

When we will sell all the T-shirts???? 😆

José Enrique Morente on the stage :)


The team
It was a pleasure to work with these young people and have fun together
Hard work, joyful moments, eternal memories :)

Delicious cake for our captain, Dani :)

Gift from our two lovely festival guest

End of the festival and the one month of  'living in the school' experience
One of my eyes cried the other laughed ...
I was really waiting for a little rest, on the other hand, it was very pleasant to spend some weeks there, so it was not easy to leave the place.
The memories, of course, remain with us and also the many relationships.

The last but the funniest common lunch 😎

Of course, we could not stay without each other even after Íllora.
Some members of the team spent a few days in Granada, so we went to a tapas on the first evening and the next day we walked around the city

Adios chic@s :)